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Encouraging girls to lead, one way at a time.


I know that girls have the power to lead our nation to greatness, which is why it's astonishing to me that only 18.8% of our Congressional leadership (2013) is comprised of women. While many intiatives have been started to encourage women to run for public office, I want to start even earlier and help young girls visualize themselves in leadership roles. This became the goal for my remediation project. Since I wanted to acheive this goal through a form that girls already can relate to, I decided to create a new American Girl doll, Jill Jackson, to instill this value in girls. This video is a product pitch for American Girl explaining why Jill would help reach my goal of encouraging young girls to lead. Slides from the presentation are below. 

Where Are All the Women? is the product of my repurposing project. It is an article written for Glamour magazine discussing the gender gap present in United States Congressional Leadership. The inspiration for this piece came from a journal entry I wrote for a class about the type of leader I want to become. 


My remediation project, featured first, and repurposing project both focused on empowering women to take a more active civic role. Each was inspired by a previous essay which challeneged me to think about the type of leader I hope to become. Through these projects, I explored the role women currently play in US Congressional Leadership and developed a way to inspire young girls to visiualize themselves as leaders. 


Will you journey with me to help that girl, be it an African girl, an American girl, or a Japanese girl, fulfill her wish, fulfill her dream, achieve the dream? Because all of these great inventors and innovators... are also sitting in tiny corners in different parts of the world. And all they are asking us to do is create that space to unlock their intelligence, unlock their passion, unlock all of the great things that they hold within themselves. Let's journey together."

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